Fiktivt villakvarter, inspireret af Brønshøj - Tusch, pen, kul, tuschlavering og Photoshop
Fictitious surburb area, inspired by Brønshøj - Ink, pen, charcoal, ink wash and Photoshop

Illustration for Puzzle - Babboe Bicycles

Af erfaring bliver man klog, men sjældent rig - Blyant, kul & Photoshop
Experience makes you wiser, but scarcely rich - Pencil, charcoal & Photoshop

Faces of the American Civil War - Frederick Douglass
Brush pens and fine line markers

Faces of the American Civil War - William T Sherman
Brush pens and fine line markers

Faces of the American Civil War - Abraham Lincoln
Brush pens and fine line markers

Kong og Godzilla - Tegning lavet som fødselsdagsgave til min elev Yorick ud fra hans ønsker og specifikationer - Brush pens og fine line tuschpenne
King and Godzilla - Drawing made as a birthday present for my student Yorick based on his wishes and specifications - Brush pens and fine line markers

Hyldesttegning lavet for Nummer9, i forbindelse med Andre Franquins tegneseriefigur, Vakse Viggo's 60 års jubilæum
Tusch, pen og Photoshop
A Homage drawing for the great artist, André Franquin and his brilliant character, Gaston Lagaffe who this day, february the 28. .
Pen, ink & Photoshop

Eksotiske dyr - Fra "Vestindiens Hemmelighed" med Sebastian Klein
A mix of exotic animals from a book about the West Indian Islands
Felt-tip pen

Kæmpe doodletegning
Blyant, farveblyanter, kul & karduspapir
A Giant doodle
Pencil, Color pencil, Char Coal & Card Board

Forside - "Panternatten" - Fra bogen: "Panternatten - Portrætter med pletter" af Peter Mouritzen - Forlaget Jensen&Dalgaard
Tusch, pen, filtpen, Photoshop
Cover illustration for the book, "The Panther Night", written by Peter Mouritzen - Jensen & Dalgaard Publishing Company
Ink, pen & felt-tip pen & Photoshop

Illustration Fra bogen: "Panternatten - Portrætter med pletter" af Peter Mouritzen - Forlaget Jensen&Dalgaard
Tusch, pen, & filtpen
Illustration from the book, "The Panther Night", written by Peter Mouritzen - Jensen & Dalgaard Publishing Company
Ink, pen & felt-tip pen

Skitse til den ene af Nybolig-sneglene
Sketch for a character developed for a danish real estate chain

Perle bøf farver - Prøveopslag labyrint
Tusch, pen & Ecolinefarver
Pearl&Beef - Test Maze drawing
Ink, pen & Ecoline Colors

Illustration lavet til pilotprojektet med Yallahrup for DR.
Blev oprindeligt brugt som indledningssekvens.
Blev oprindeligt brugt som indledningssekvens.
Farveblyant og sort karton
Illustration made for pilot episode of the danish puppet series, "Yallahrup"
Color pencils, black cardboard